Dragonfly Acupuncture & Massage | Greenville SC

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What's So Special About A CBD Massage?

One of the reasons I got into massage therapy, and specifically Esalen Massage therapy, is because I love the powerful nurturing and therapeutic qualities of human touch and how transformative it can be to the mind and body. As I delve deeper into my practice and pursue more approaches to Esalen Massage, I’m amazed at how effective it can be for my clients, and even myself.

But wait! There’s more!!

Enter CBD massage… the talk of the town... the miracle cure…

I’ve certainly heard it all as of late and am no stranger to cannabis and its healing properties.

But what is CBD and how is it effective?

Over the years I’ve personally experienced the euphoric components of the cannabis plant and how those qualities can help with anxiety, mood, appetite, artistic endeavors, etc.

But as it turns out, the euphoric quality of the cannabis plant called THC isn’t the only thing at play here. We’re finally able to understand more about this allusive plant as it becomes more mainstream and less undeservingly vilified, and as science is subsequently allowed to investigate those healing claims.

Cannabidiol, or CBD in a less tongue-twister form, has a LOT to do with this potentially life changing plant. To better understand CBD you’ve got to start with the human endocannabinoid system, also called the “Master Regulator”. It’s also worth noting that endocannabinoid is a powerful word on the Scrabble board!

In simple terms the Master Regulator, or endocannabinoid system, maintains homeostasis in the body, which is just a fancy way of saying your body is in perfect balance. Have you ever had one of those days where you feel fantastic and wonder why you can’t feel that relaxed and grounded every day? That’s part of what homeostasis feels like. As it turns out we actually do have some control over it and CBD can play a significant role in acquiring it.

When we’re stressed, anxious, or dealing with trauma, the endocannabinoid system fires up all cylinders. And through its regulation of various systems in our body, it brings us to that lovely state of aforementioned homeostatic balance. But the endocannabinoid system doesn’t stop there. It’s also responsible for bone density, controlling immune cell function, regulating pain sensation, mood and memory.

The endocannabinoid system also modulates how we actually perceive pain, stress, sleep, hunger, memory retention, metabolism, and more. And the crazy thing is, this system was only just discovered in 1992 while scientists were reverse engineering tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to better understand it. This reverse engineering brought about the discovery of receptors in the brain that have a pharmacological response to cannabis. They also found that the body, in fact, makes its own cannabinoids that act very similar as those that come from the cannabis plant, namely CBD and THC. It can be explained that receptors in our bodies have a keyhole that both endocannabinoids and cannabinoids fit into.

Cannabinoid receptors are present throughout the entire body. They’re embedded in cell membranes and are more numerous than any other receptor system we have! Our bodies release endocannabinoids that bind to these receptors and trigger chain reactions with other systems in the body. If you’d like to learn even more about CBD, THC, hemp and how they work in the body, check out our Ultimate Guide to Cannabis.

Thanks to the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the Farm Bill, the legalization of hemp has opened the doorway for more advanced research opportunities into cannabis and its healthy offerings. So expect more enlightened discussions about cannabis in the future, as we move back into harmony with this amazing plant.

How does all this fit into an Esalen Massage?

CBD infused massage oil interacts with the many receptors in your skin to initiate signaling pathways. Most of these receptors modulate pain and inflammation and promote healing. Receiving a massage with CBD enhances all the benefits that you already get from a massage. Greater pain relief, more profound stress relief, and a stronger ability to treat anxiety and insomnia.

I was skeptical at first of the claims being made about CBD, so I introduced one of the carefully chosen products that we sell at our clinic to my peers in the bodywork profession. These are other massage therapists that inevitably have repetitive movement pains of their own. The results were often startling, having a nearly immediate effect on alleviating their pain. This got me thinking it was time to incorporate CBD into my Esalen Massage practice to take it to the next level in the power of healing touch. We’ve sourced a high quality CBD isolate massage oil that provides over 150 mg of CBD per massage. I’m really excited to bring it into my practice to help you feel your best.  


Kie Williams, LMBT is the first massage therapist in the state of South Carolina to be certified in Esalen massage therapy. He loves taking care of people, and treating pain, anxiety, insomnia and trauma are his specialties. You can find him at Dragonfly Acupuncture & Massage in Greenville. Appointments can be made by calling 864-451-4313 or scheduled online.