Massage and bodywork may not be the first thing you think of when dealing with anxiety. But maybe it should be. Bodywork, and particularly Esalen massage, calms the nervous system in deep and profound ways.
Read MoreAre you team energy work, or do you roll your eyes at all the “woo woo” mumbo jumbo? This is our take, from the perspective of a massage therapist and an acupuncturist, on what enery work really is, how we make sense of the things people feel but don’t know how to explain.
Read MoreThere’s no doubt that grief affects our mental, emotional and spiritual health. But we talk less about the physical toll losing a loved one can take on us. Here we explore what happens to our bodies when we’re grieving, why it happens, and what we can do to support ourselves and our loved ones when we lose someone close to us.
Read MoreHave you been more stressed or anxious since Covid? Or have you noticed an increase in your physical health? Post Pandemic Stress Disorder may be to blame.
Read MoreThe full story on how AcuMed Spa became Dragonfly Acupuncture & Massage
Read MoreLearn more about Esalen massage and how it can help with stress and anxiety.
Read MoreStill looking for the perfect gift for everyone on your list? You’re sure to find some ideas in here.
Read MoreWhy is self care more important than ever? Everyone should be taking time to do something for themselves. Small acts of kindness towards ourselves add up in a big way. Learn 10 ways to work this into your life.
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